Wednesday, June 20, 2007

settling for less?

I went thru deep thoughts these days.

People here in Indo really got me into thinking about my future. It's not just one time, but it hit me several times. It's more than just my dreams for the future. It's more about the "now". It's like whispers that tell me that my future is in my hands now. I can change it. I'm the one directing it. That's why I should live my life according to how I want my future to be like.

It's a really risky journey. But I know that there's always a price to pay to receive the best.

This is actually the main principle of what I've thought over about love.

When I saw celebrities in that E!Channel, (hehe! yes! i watch that!) it motivates me to think that most of their "partners" were all famous and rich too. Like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Madonna and Guy Ritchie, etc. etc. etc. The question now is... Celebrities knew that they don't want to settle for less, what about us?

How do we know whether or not we are settling for less or not?

1. Check your values and dream-girl/guy characteristic list. -- If what you got is not in your list, don't blame situation. Don't even blame FATE! Remember! We're all human beings! We get to choose what we want. Distractions may appear but it's the way you handle it, that's when you achieve success in life. Here's an easy example. Everyone wants to have a partner that they could be proud of. Yes? Although some may not admit it, but deep down, they feel proud (if not, how can you go about "liking" someone if it doesn't start with "admiration". hur hur hur?!) This pride that u have is actually your "standard" of your crush. People might say it's chemistry, but it's more than that. See it in other people's perspective, especially your family's. Use the values that your family has implanted in you and use it to find the "right" one for you. We want our darlings to be welcomed by our family and friends, don't we? We don't want them to talk behind our backs about how "ugly" your partner looks like. I mean, if they're UGLY, you can't prevent people from commenting on how ugly your partner looks like, yes? <<>

2. Check where your partner usually hang out and the people he hangs out with! -- it's very crucial for us people who are good girls and good boys. HAHA! Anyway, I'm saying that all of us are good! Just that, how do you define "good"? (= Well, in the end, we all will become parents. So if you got a girlfriend/boyfriend that loves to smoke and get drunk and flirtatious (again..example), that's the kind of past that you'll drag along to your future. Then what are you gonna tell your kids? Lie to them about your past? What are you gonna teach them? Good values? Or just don't know, don't care?

The point is.. you're living for your future. Just like how we earn money. We work, we get money, we SPEND! And how does that spending feel if it's for shopping and luxurious treats? Definitely AWESOME! That's life, people. Live it the way you want your end to be. Die with legacies. And become a history-maker. You're an ordinary person bound to do extraordinary things. Who says Wentworth Miller (Prison Break) was a handsome young lad? Or was he a quarterback whom the babes lined up for? Guess again, querida. He's one heck of a nerd with thick-framed glasses. Ordinary? Of course. Even worse. But look at him now. He worked his way up. He's a star. ( I pray to the Almighty God in Heaven that I will get that kind of hot ang-moh-ish husband) =DD~ Okay! I'm done! And my wish shall come true! Hehe.

ANYWAY. I hope my insights help you all to consider whatever hell you're going through right now. There's always HOPE. I do not condemn anyone. But if it convicted you, hey .. maybe it's time to listen to your conscience and start living a life full of purpose. It's great. And welcome aboard!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Tim's Birthday

... continuation

JUNE 5 the rest of June before the 9th had been hectic. In between the rehearsals, there's Tim's 19th birthday. He celebrated it in err.. I forgot the name! Uh-OH! But it's an Indian cuisine, and it's buffet-like. I personally like the Naan and the .. OMG! I forgot the name again. It's those curry-puffs, with potatoes inside. It sounds like "samosa"! And the mutton curry is also GOOD.

So here's the juicy part. Tim = hyperactive n a real bully. Haha. In return, on his birthday, I gave him something he'll never forget. My evil plan actually WORKED!

I wrapped his Linkin' Park CD (I borrowed it from him, but I haven't returned it yet, so I figured out that I might as well return it "this way".) So then, when I came, I gave him the present and he was questioning and I KNOW he KNOWS that it's a CD. He didn't wait! He opened it right away. When he saw it, he was just "WHAT THE". But then I told him, "Thanks for the CD, man!" K'Fini was laughing and hi5-ing me for doing that. Tim was upset. I waited and waited. And then he saw the envelope, when he opened, he can't find the card (it was also intentional, but the card isn't because of pranks, it's coz JB hasn't written yet!). Should see Tim's face. It's really funny. Seeing him like that, I took out the "real" gift and gave it to him. He was like: "HA! THANK YOU!"

It's a real joke! (+0

Linkin' Park ain't makin' your day eh?! I bet the Converse bag did! (=

The super joker cake. LOOK! It has his face on it! And his face is going to be cut into pieces! =

Lastly, the Timmy face be continued

Thursday, June 14, 2007

may 12, 14, and the rest of may


i haven't been writing for ages!

not even my birthday bash! haha.

hehe. pardon me, mr.creature! i think he's the only one who LOVES to kei-poh around ppl's lives. are you working for E entertainment channel, clarence? =P~

Haha. anyways.

MAY 12

Birthday! Yay! I turned 20! Ahem. quite disturbing actually. the fact that I'm ... ... ... 20! =

But... getting closer to something "interesting" hehehehehehe.

Sooo! This May 12. It fell on a Saturday. and not just an ordinary Saturday. but a Saturday when Hillsong college came to minister, along with Rebirth as the opening, of course. We did 3 songs. I was a ... soprano. =

While we're backstage, one of the Hillsong members spoiled to everyone that that day was my birthday. So they sang "Happy Birthday" song to me.. I can feel my face burning RED at that time. It was really embarassing! Singing a birthday song just for me! Hehe. But it's quite an experience.

MAY 14

Birthday party with the PKs in Tony Roma's. I had a joint birthday party with Fina and her birthday was actually on the day itself. I can't have mine on the 12 coz u know, I have loads of stuff to be responsible of. It's the first time I played "Articulate". During the party, we were playing that! We were so noisy until the waiter shushed us. OOPS! Tim broke a glass. Hanging out with them is so much fun! The jokes, the teasings, the conversations were all meaningful.

A slice of chocolatey frosty cake with funny-looking candles that my sister bought in Ace Hardware that afternoon.

Birthday girls. I saluted Tony Roma's for giving us the chance to celebrate our 20th and 22nd birthdays in a place like that; despite the broken glass and un-demure-ish acts.

The big 2-0 with my sister's manual "O".

The boys get drunk and ... no! They didn't get laid. NOTE: They are under-age.

Oriental Shiva / Vishnu. Who else if it isn't my brother and his faithful Indian fellow buddy!


The rest of May was another fun part. My stay in Indo actually turned out to be an essential period, especially for the Performing Arts. My previous school was rehearsing for their performance "West-side Story", a musical drama. Usually, after I graduated from there, I helped out in the backstage and also training the students. But this time, it just happened that two of the students were out of the play. It was then my sister and I were asked to substitute their roles as "Jet girls". Not only did we act, we also sing and dance. And the time to rehearse all those was only 1 month! It was really amazing how I can cope up with the dance moves. Omigosh! That's all I can say. I was suppose to dance Mambo, Ballroom dancing...with heels! Dang! Those shoes were loose and steep and BLUE! But I must say, those practices paid off. The play was AWESOME!

to be continued ...