Sunday, August 13, 2006

3 in 1 Events

August 13, 2006

So, let's start off by reading the Friday events.

GESL (Group Endeavors Service Learning) at 5.30PM til 7.30PM. Yep! It's very late for a class! Definitely! But overall it's fun. I got the "leader" professor, Mr.Goh. So, we did intro to each other, which most of us already know each other. And then he asked us to write our mottos in life and share it to the class. So I wrote down my motto in life which is, "The Earth is too small to be populated by common people but it's never too small to be populated by extraordinary people who make histories."
Deep ain't it? But that's what I'm hanging on to. :)
For our GESL group, we haven't really discuss on our project because 2 of our members weren't present on that day. Btw, in case you don't know what's GESL is, here's what it is. It's actually groups that serve Singapore community, whether it's orphanages or schools, anything to make a better living for them. Cool eh? I'm so gonna propose that to MSA. :D

So after GESL, we went out to eat at Jurong Point. Faeez proposed on halal food and healthy ones, but the fact that he's ordering steak and fries, hehe.. not healthy whatt..! :p So we ate and ate and ate and then we moved down to the train to go home. Suddenly, I thought I drank too much water, so I needa go to pee. I told my sis that I can't hold it and I have to stop at Dhoby Ghaut (Plaza Singapura). So both of us agreed to stop there and we thought our friends would stlil continue on their journey home (we lived in the same line btw). But when we went out to Dhoby Ghaut, the rest followed! (some friends left earlier, coz they're not in the same line as us) So I was like, Oh My! So I rushed up to the mall and went to the toilet all by myself. And the rest waited down at the MRT station playing Bejeweled on Melvin's laptop. But thanks for waiting! :D

Them waiting >> << Manu Ginobli's dunk.
After piano lesson from 10AM - 1 PM and lunch at 1.30PM at home, we went to Singapore Indoor Stadium. We got free tickets to watch Philips Singapore Cup. First match, Malaysia All-Stars vs Melbourne Tigers. Haha.. definitely Malaysia lost by 50 score difference to Melbourne. :p Then there was Argentina vs Slovania. And we really saw Manu Ginobli! My friend wanted to have his autograph so I suggested him to be a pervert and I'll be the nurse so we can jump into the court and ask for his autograph. :p It's fun! Slovania's tough too. It's a tight match at first. But Argentina won in the end. Which, by that time, I was completely bored. ><"
So after the second match, we decided not to watch Spain vs Serbia. We were planning to grab something to eat, either KFC or McD. But then, thanks to our powerful Mr.Smartypants, we end up at an MRT construction place, a BARREN land, and DEAD ENDS! How fun. ><" So we had to walk and cross the roads several times for 1/2 an hour. Then FINALLY, we found KFC! Good thing about it...the drinks were americanized! a.k.a REFILLABLE! :p

Church and meet more new people. They're from all over. UK, US, China, and Phillippines. After church ... READ and MORE READING! That's all. And write this blog. (can you tell that I'm tired of typing this blog?!) I think it's the end now. Hehe..

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What's the First Day of Campus Life Like?

Monday, August 7.

What was it like to enter university life for the first time?
Oh my, to tell you the truth, I was very excited and a little bit nervous because the BLACKBOARD (it's the campus' site) intimidated me with the assignments and their module courses' expectations for this semester. Phew, I saw lots of "essay writing" at least 2500-3000 words for the Psychology 1 module. Kinda creeps me out you see.

But when I enter the class, the professor, Mrs.Isabella Wong, she was the energetic and spontaneous type of tutor. I was surprised to get such professor! And amazingly, she's the coordinator of the Psychology 1 module. I said to myself, YAY! We got the best professor ever! =D

We played Bingo game, whereas we have to go around the room and look for the students who were under the categories. Two of the categories were "is married" and "have children". I was like, WHO THE HECK WILL IT BE EXCEPT THE PROFESSOR HERSELF? ... And we can't have one person's name in two categories.
But guess what, one Indian woman is actually a MOTHER! I was surprised! Finally! I can get a family woman friend. =)

The class was interesting, but of course many contradiction with the Truth. But overall, with the teachers' enthusiasm, I will sure gain more understanding about the psychological knowledge, also the ways the professor taught us (her behavior and how she handled situations in the classroom).

After Psychology 1, I had a History 101 class at about 3.30 PM. Now this is what I call interesting! My professor, Dr.Kevin Blackburn, taught the class about the history of cinemas. Interesting isn't it? I learnt that cinemas were created because people back in those days tend to look for entertainment and that caused them to watch stories that were actually fantasy, and it's not reality. Which is why cinemas were called "The Great Escapism". And there's also one factor why the cinemas are so important. During the war period, the government tried to raise fund to make the weapons and equip the war materials, including recruiting the soldiers. One of the best way to raise fund was through cinemas. The profit from the cinemas were then for the military purposes. Ain't it new? =)

My 3 friends (plus the MOTHER friend) and I went to talk with the professor about chatty things and he gotta know our names better. haha.. So...yeah..

*Leave with grace, come home with honors*
Favor's upon this woman.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I Comment Things Such As ...


We had an NTU Freshmen Welcoming Day in Nanyang Auditorium today.
It was great. The first time we went to take our seats, guess what we saw on our seats, AN NTU GOODIE BAG!!!! It's a sling bag and inside there was a calendar, an NTU survival book, and of course...a TORCH! I was like... WHAT TO DO WITH THE TORCH??? (you'll find out later)

So the event started at 3.30 PM with the deans' speeches. Very motivating and funny. And then we were to use the coat that they placed on our seats earlier and we did a pledge. It's very formal and the pledge really states that WE NTU STUDENTS WILL ALWAYS KEEP THE STANDARD / VALUE OF THE SCHOOL ... well, it goes something like that. Uhm, not EXACTLY like that, just...something really upvalued, u see. I myself feel really touched because I really experienced the heart-felt moment right there. I mean, pledging for the school, it seriously tells me that I have to REALLY-really work hard and really keep my life's standard high as well. I mean, this school's not playing with me, so I should also do my best and be excellent in what I do.

Then we have the Lighting thing where we gotta use our torch and the lights' off. It's a really beautiful sight. I got to point the torchlight to the camera, and it really WORKS! I can even see myself on the bigscreen doin that! hohohoho... (ehem..ehem)

Then there was a modern jazz dance by NTU dancing club. It's alright I guess. Just that they are to wiggly! ><" ... The guys' dance was quite alright too. I only like the way they kick their legs simultaneously. The ending is quite tight too, when the song went like a gun banging, a guy fell after the other. So it's kinda tight on that part.

The choir was also great. I like the first song. It sounds like Lord of the Rings' soundtrack. =P
But when I met one of the choir members outside after the event, I was so totally not impressed. Coz he's like the rude type and a bit....sissy *coughs* ... He commented on things that he thinks is funny, but it's actually NOT! He's an Indonesian alright! A fat one! ><" Likes to mock us (btw, we just met and he was like that! so pathetic!)

So then ...
We meet some fellow Indonesians. FINALLY! They're not in NIE though, they're in NTU. And that's all for today. Adieu.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My Side of Casaya 1 -uncovered-

<< Casaya 1 (From flag to the left: Melvin, Adelene, Amandia, Rafie, Angel, Abby, Bo Hui, Siew Woon, Aani, Li Wei, Hui Yi)

What do we do on NIE Ba/Bsc Freshmen 2006 orientation camp?
Oo.. We've experienced so much fun! Despite all the aches and phewness, so much memories throughout that 3days-2nights camp.

So i shall comment things one by one.

OGLs ...
(a.k.a. Orientation Group Leaders) 3 of them. All pure CREATIVE and WILD ladies. The first time I went in the meeting room on the first day, they said, "Look everyone, the TWINS!" ... SWT! so i told them that we're not twins. OF COURSE not! ><"
Our OGLs are the best ghosts every alive! The crimson night ain't creepy if it ain't for their make-ups and white and black robes.
Oh, and I have to tell this incident. While we're in Sentosa, playing the NIE d'race, we're in this pavilion where you gotta roll a die and pick a picture or alphabet cards and then write the words that were related to that picture. After the game, we're suppose to entertain the OPMC / Station Masters. They asked us to draw an animal that represents the OG. So my team (Casaya 1) picked me to draw. And I misunderstood the words, I thought it was "OGL", so I drew a puma to represent one of my OGL, which was Dimas. Then I added braids on the puma, so it looked like Dimas, coz she was also on braids. And the OPMC / Station Masters asked me to summarize why I drew that. So I wrote: BECAUSE SHE HAS BRAIDS. Then they all laughed at me. The photographer was there too, so he took a picture of my drawing.

Crimson Night ...
Haha! At first we were so scared because in our group (Casaya 1) there's only 1 guy! And he wasn't there when we were called to go to the playhouse to play. And we had to enter 4 by 4. So I went in with Dia and the 2 Meldivians, Rafie and Aani. We're actually the first group to enter the "haunted room". We were given the torch by the "gate-keepers" and when we entered the room, there were ghosts everywhere. And one of the ghost showed us the door. When we opened the door, "fabio" closed it again and he said, "Not yet, not yet!" with a laugh. Oops! Technical difficulties! ><"
Throughout the crimson night, I always muttered "FREAK!", and my two Meldivian friends would scream! And throughout the whole journey, we girls held each others' hands and not let them go til we're outside.
In one of the rooms, we were asked to give something to trade in for batteries for the torch. After we traded a doll for the batteries, we don't know what else to look for. So we roam about the room and saw a bag, slippers, and an umbrella. So I told Dia that that's probably the next clue, but Dia said NOoo! It was one of the OGL's slippers and bag! ><" So then we laughed and the "doll" ghost chased us away by screaming, "GOOO OUT!!" and she chased us to the door. Creepy! ><"

Talent night presentation ...
The OGLs left us to create our own presentation. First, it was the cheering. We had to put "pirates, OPMC, Sentosa, and d'race". So we came up with this cheer using the My Bonnie melody:
" We went to Sentosa today.
Take part on NIE's d'race.
The pirates stopped us on our way.
It may be torturing at first.
But ...
OPMC, we love you so much.
We love you, we love you,
And thank you for your time.
We enjoy our day in Sentosa today.
May Casaya be with you.

In the line "We enjoy our day in Sentosa today" Melvin did the merlion pose! =P While we girls did the tanning pose. And "May Casaya be with you", we did the Star Wars' may-the-force-be-with-you pose. =)


Welcome fellow bloggers,
It's not suppose to be this formal, but because i'm taking history as my AS, everything in here should be centered around historian vocabs, historian writings, and historian scripts. Garrh.. whatever! (oops! it ain't a history word! ><")
So anyways,
I dunno how to keep in touch with bloggers and usually, when i write diaries, I was so determined to finish my books, but it never came to past. Soooo, hehee.. I know, I'm not a diary-writer, but don't worry, in blogging, I think it'll be much easier not to complete it (since there's no page limit on it and people are reading it - which i think is kinda cool and interesting).
So whassup with me blabbering about why i wanna use this blog thing? Well, find out more as u tune in to don't go away! ;)