Saturday, June 16, 2007

Tim's Birthday

... continuation

JUNE 5 the rest of June before the 9th had been hectic. In between the rehearsals, there's Tim's 19th birthday. He celebrated it in err.. I forgot the name! Uh-OH! But it's an Indian cuisine, and it's buffet-like. I personally like the Naan and the .. OMG! I forgot the name again. It's those curry-puffs, with potatoes inside. It sounds like "samosa"! And the mutton curry is also GOOD.

So here's the juicy part. Tim = hyperactive n a real bully. Haha. In return, on his birthday, I gave him something he'll never forget. My evil plan actually WORKED!

I wrapped his Linkin' Park CD (I borrowed it from him, but I haven't returned it yet, so I figured out that I might as well return it "this way".) So then, when I came, I gave him the present and he was questioning and I KNOW he KNOWS that it's a CD. He didn't wait! He opened it right away. When he saw it, he was just "WHAT THE". But then I told him, "Thanks for the CD, man!" K'Fini was laughing and hi5-ing me for doing that. Tim was upset. I waited and waited. And then he saw the envelope, when he opened, he can't find the card (it was also intentional, but the card isn't because of pranks, it's coz JB hasn't written yet!). Should see Tim's face. It's really funny. Seeing him like that, I took out the "real" gift and gave it to him. He was like: "HA! THANK YOU!"

It's a real joke! (+0

Linkin' Park ain't makin' your day eh?! I bet the Converse bag did! (=

The super joker cake. LOOK! It has his face on it! And his face is going to be cut into pieces! =

Lastly, the Timmy face be continued

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