Saturday, November 17, 2007

Life's Good

When you think that all is good, all is fine, I'm living in reality ...
But honestly, did you ever think that your life is ALL good?

Some things are not meant to be owned. Some are not suppose to be yours. Some are to be waited. Some are prohibited. And most things are to remind you that life is good.

Though it may not seemed like it. Life is still good. Despite all that has been done, the best is yet to come.

Huh? Who? Me? What? Angel? How? Nooo! Can't be. Oh yess.. who said I can't? I'm still a human being. I have senses and emotions too, ya know.
Over what?

...and God reminded me to be patient. "But seek the Kingdom of God and ALL these things shall be added to you."
Prioritizing God as number one is important. Not your studies, although exam's in two days time; not your hangouts; not your boyfriend, though you feel that he loves you very much ... But is your life all about that? These things shall perish one day. But what will survive?

Legacies and the promises of God.
I want my generation to be God-fearing people. Reverent and righteous. But it all starts from me. The decisions I make now will determine whether it's blessings or consequences.

Not anymore. I have overcame by the power of His name. I always believe ... that the best is yet to come. AND ... it ain't over. it AIN'T over..
Breakthrough is on its way. Knocked twice and nothing happened? Keep on doing it. Who knows that it'll crack open on the third knock.

Be blessed. Go. And conquer!

*sorry that this is such a vague post*