Friday, August 04, 2006

I Comment Things Such As ...


We had an NTU Freshmen Welcoming Day in Nanyang Auditorium today.
It was great. The first time we went to take our seats, guess what we saw on our seats, AN NTU GOODIE BAG!!!! It's a sling bag and inside there was a calendar, an NTU survival book, and of course...a TORCH! I was like... WHAT TO DO WITH THE TORCH??? (you'll find out later)

So the event started at 3.30 PM with the deans' speeches. Very motivating and funny. And then we were to use the coat that they placed on our seats earlier and we did a pledge. It's very formal and the pledge really states that WE NTU STUDENTS WILL ALWAYS KEEP THE STANDARD / VALUE OF THE SCHOOL ... well, it goes something like that. Uhm, not EXACTLY like that, just...something really upvalued, u see. I myself feel really touched because I really experienced the heart-felt moment right there. I mean, pledging for the school, it seriously tells me that I have to REALLY-really work hard and really keep my life's standard high as well. I mean, this school's not playing with me, so I should also do my best and be excellent in what I do.

Then we have the Lighting thing where we gotta use our torch and the lights' off. It's a really beautiful sight. I got to point the torchlight to the camera, and it really WORKS! I can even see myself on the bigscreen doin that! hohohoho... (ehem..ehem)

Then there was a modern jazz dance by NTU dancing club. It's alright I guess. Just that they are to wiggly! ><" ... The guys' dance was quite alright too. I only like the way they kick their legs simultaneously. The ending is quite tight too, when the song went like a gun banging, a guy fell after the other. So it's kinda tight on that part.

The choir was also great. I like the first song. It sounds like Lord of the Rings' soundtrack. =P
But when I met one of the choir members outside after the event, I was so totally not impressed. Coz he's like the rude type and a bit....sissy *coughs* ... He commented on things that he thinks is funny, but it's actually NOT! He's an Indonesian alright! A fat one! ><" Likes to mock us (btw, we just met and he was like that! so pathetic!)

So then ...
We meet some fellow Indonesians. FINALLY! They're not in NIE though, they're in NTU. And that's all for today. Adieu.

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